Life & Home docuMOP

How docuMOP came about, a word from our Founder

Business docuMOP

  1. Be prepared for that dreaded call while on vacation... "We've got a problem!"
  2. Training New Employees
  3. When President Carter's Secret Service agents explained they could get him aboard Air Force One from any location in 5 minutes he said, "Ok, Go". It took a lot longer than 5 minutes. You don't want that same delay in action and result when you are called upon to "Go". You and your organization need to be prepared when minutes count and docuMOP is that preparation.
  4. "I sure don't want to say, "I don't know" to the boss and their boss if something goes wrong". docuMOP lets you know by organized planning and documentation in advance.
  5. In times when things are going less than well you don't want to have to be figuring out what to do for a response. You want a plan that can be followed right away. Planning while reacting often leads to negative unforseen consequences. With docuMOP you're planning and action steps are already developed. You just put your docuMOP plans into practice at these urgent moments.
  6. Ahhh....The Peace of Mind that comes when you are ready for anything.

Additional Business Offerings

docuMOP Consultant

Save Time and Money when new equipment is needed

docuMOP Consultant is our service to aid clients in selecting new facility equipment. Many organizations find time challenges while performing just the normal day to day needs. When new support equipment is required it can be a challenge to find the time and resources necessary to research what is available and what is the “best” choice. With the ever growing technical base of documentation within docuMOP, our library is an excellent time saving starting point. Beyond that docuMOP can personally work with you on a consultant basis to:

docuMOP Consultant Services are individually priced per need and may be set up as a per hour rate or a project fee or percentage.